In Tenería Ramírez we are convinced that the success of a company lies in our workforce, that's why we are looking for new talent. Our job board has the task to fill in our vacancies with your talent.

Before sending your Curriculum Vitae, make sure it contains the following information:

GENERAL INFORMATION: Full Name, Address, City, Home Phone, Cell Phone, Date of Birth, Age, Marital Status, Place of Birth, Driver's License, Military Carnet, Social Security Number, Infonavit Credit.

SCHOOL DATA: Level of Education, Profession, Graduates, Courses, Workshops, etc.

WORK EXPERIENCE: Institution or Company, Worked Period, Position Performed, Activities and / or Functions, Achievements, Staff at Work, Initial and Final Salary, Name and Position of Immediate Boss, Telephone for request for references.


+52 (477) 778 0989 |